Auction Location: E14056 HWY 33, Hillsboro WI
Auction Note: Calvin Winchel has been farming in the Hillsboro/Ontario area his whole life and has decided to retire. This is a LIVE auction with online bidding available. There will be many wagon loads and pallets of tools and shop equipment as well as the equipment listed below.
For more info call (608) 739-4404
Early Auction Listing
More info, pictures, and online bidding coming soon!
Construction & Trailer
- CAT 259D3 Compact Track Loader – Cab, A/C, Heat, 2 speed, aux hydraulics, joystick CAT controls, 810 ONE OWNER hours, SN: 0CW902537, WOW!
- John Deere 650H LT Dozer – Cab, Heat, A/C, 20 inch grousers, 9 ft 6 way blade, NEW undercarriage couple hundred hours ago, 8988 hrs, SN: T0650HX895340
- John Deere 650J LGP Dozer – OROPS, 10 ft 6 way blade, 24 inch grousers, newer front rollers and tensioners, will need sprockets and rails within the next couple hundred hours, 3612 hrs, SN: T0650JX101090
- John Deere 304H Wheel Loader – Cab with heat, skid steer mount, 8252 hrs, SN: LU304HX687838
- John Deere 544B Wheel Loader – Cab with heat, 7733 hrs, good runner!
- Daewoo Solar 170 Excavator – Cab with heat, 24 inch triple grousers, 36 inch digging bucket, 2299 hrs, SN: 0049, GREAT RUNNER!
- New Holland L175 Skid Steer – cab, Heat, AC, 2 speed, hand foot controls, 6700 hrs, SN: N8M499111
- Ford 555C Backhoe Loader – Cab, Heat, 4X4, 24 inch rear bucket, 11,000 hrs, SN: A406533
- 2015 Eby Aluminum Trailer – 30 ft gooseneck, 5 ft beaver, 12k tandem dually axles, Badland 12k lb winch, NICE TRAILER, VIN: 4A2MG3028G1016906
- Ford 8670 Tractor – Cab, A/C, Heat, MFWD, front fenders, 4 remotes, switchable PTO, 22 front weights, 20.8R38 rears, 11,900 hrs, SN: D404938
- Ford TW-25 Series II Tractor – Cab, A/C, Heat, diesel, 3 remotes, switchable PTO, block heater, wheel weights, front weights, 6300 hrs
- Ford 7710 Tractor – Cab, A/C, Heat, MFWD, 2 remotes, Westendorf TA-28 Plus loader with skid steer mount, 7300 hrs
- Ford 9700 Tractor -Cab, A/C, Heat, 2WD, 2 remotes, switchable PTO, 13,300 hrs
- Ford 3610 Tractor – diesel, wide front, fenders, 6976 hrs, SN: 695125
- Ford 4500 Industrial Tractor – 2 WD, wide front, w/ Ford 420 loader
- Ford 3000 Tractor – gas, wide front, fenders
- Ford 6600 Tractor – wide front
Farm Implements
- 2013 Anderson RB580 Bale Wrapper – 4X6 bale, one owner, SN: 55-14005
- 2013 New Holland BR7070 Baler – Net wrap, 4X6 bale, acid applicator, 11k bales, one owner, SN: YDN178331
- 2013 New Holland H7450 Mow Max Discbine – 13 ft, hydra swing, rubber rolls, SN: YDN097650
- 2014 New Holland 1022 Procart Rake – 10 wheel, SN: YEZ9G032
- John Deere 7000 Planter – max emerge, 6 row, dry fert, trash whips, no till coulters
Allis Chalmers Disc – Single fold, 16 ft., SN: 1174; Kewanee No. 180 Chisel Plow – 9 Shank; Golden Bell Bale Trailer – 6 place, heavy duty; International Farmall Drill – 10 ft, grass seed; White 598 Plow – 5 bottom, spring reset, adjustable width; CASE IH 183 6 row cultivator; McFarlane 4 section harrow; Kuhn Knight 17-7 Chopper Box; New Holland Tandem chopper box; H&S Super 7+4 tandem Chopper Box